This is the next installment of something I call "programmer art" which I do quite frequently (previously I did a Spirograph, the Mandelbrot Set and Marching Squares) and this weekend the YouTube shorts algorithm sneaked some cool videos of people using buckets filled with paint attached to a pendulum and letting it swing freely across a canvas to create art.
I wanted to recreate this in Unity. So.. Off to starting a new project! Trying to figure out how to paint onto a canvas (basically just texture painting) where I found this really helpful video that allowed me to create the desired effect in about a day.
Then I went fully down the rabit hole of pendulums.. and oh boy.. I knew that simulating physics is hard - but I was like - its only a pendulum. How hard could it be... Looking at the wikipedia entry already gave me a headache, so I started looking at YouTube, maybe someone already did this? Turns out - most people implemented 2D pendulums, so.. Couldnt be too hard to extrapolate from 2D to 3D.. Creating a 2D pendulum with the help of my favorite coding YouTuber The Coding Train turned out to be easy.
A week later on the next weekend I've manged to twist my brain around the algorithms described on Wikipedia and some research papers also helped and now I got the pendulum fully implemented!
I am using the Lagrangian mechanics described on the Wikipedia article for spherical pendulums (link above) to calculate the x,y and z coordinates for the pendulum.
It is important to note that when Phi (ϕ) = 0, the pendulum behaves like a normal 2D pendulum, swinging side to side without any angular rotation.
The simulation is also displaying the trajectory for the initial swing with a white curve whenever you change the values of the simulation.
You can export and download the art you created via the "EXPORT CANVAS" button.
Please reach me at if you want to get in touch.